Freeways divide neighborhoods. They make it hard for pedestrians and cyclists to get to destinations on the other side, through creating severance or barrier effects.

Streets that dead-end at a freeway create lengthy detours for pedestrians and cyclists
It’s more than a mile to walk to this school from the other side of the freeway – six times longer than the straight-line distance
Because relatively few streets cross the freeway, they normally carry large volumes of traffic. Especially at on- and off-ramps, pedestrians and cyclists must navigate fast-moving cars and trucks entering and exiting the freeway.

At crossings, severance can be exacerbated by poor or missing sidewalks, lighting, or bicycle lanes
long pedestrian bridge with chainlink fence
Pedestrian bridges and tunnels can feel unsafe

Circuitous ramps to pedestrian bridges increase walking distances, while stairs block wheelchair users altogether
Severance and other negative impacts of freeways are an environmental justice issue. In California, people of color are more likely to live close to a freeway.